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NEET and JEE Main - Thermodynamics Class 11th - Part A
(Course ID : MAC-62)

NTA - National Testing Agency (एनटीए - राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण संस्था) » NEET UG - Medical » Class 11th » Physics

ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी - कक्षा ११ के विद्यार्थियों के लिए भौतिक विज्ञान की शिक्षा।

The course "NEET and JEE Main - Thermodynamics Class 11th - Part A" i.e. ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी - कक्षा ११ के विद्यार्थियों के लिए भौतिक विज्ञान की शिक्षा।

The course contains the following Topics:
1) Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण).
2) Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी).
3) Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत).

1) Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण).
Subtopics: Introduction, Temperature and heat, Measurement of temperature, Ideal-gas equation and absolute temperature, Thermal expansion, specific heat capacity, Calorimetry, change of state, Heat transfer, Newton's law of cooling.

2) Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी).
Subtopics: Introduction, Thermal equilibrium, zeroth law of thermodynamics, Heat - internal energy and work, First law of thermodynamics, specific heat capacity, Thermodynamics state variables and equation of state, Thermodynamics processes, Heat engines, Refrigerator and heat pumps, Second law of thermodynamics, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot engine.

3) Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत).
Subtopics: Introduction, Molecular nature of matter, Behaviour of gases, Kinetic theory of an ideal gas, Law of equipartition of energy, Specific heat capacity, Mean free path

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Topics :
Days Lecture Title Topics Covered
Day # 1 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Introduction, Temperature and Heat, Measure of Temperature, Temperature Scales (Degree Celcius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Reumer Scale), Absolute Temperature, Thermometers.
Day # 2 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Ideal-gas Equation and absolute temperature, Boyle's Law, Charle's Law, Gay-Lussac Law, Solved Problems
Day # 3 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Thermal Expansion, Coefficients of expansions, Linear, area, Volume, Density, Anomalous behavior of water, Solved Problems
Day # 4 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Applications of thermal expansions, Bimetallic Strip, Time period of pendulum, change in density, scales errors, Thermal stress, Strain and Force, Young Modulus.
Day # 5 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) CALORIMETRY: Specific heat capacity, Change of state, Triple point, Latent Heat
Day # 6 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) CALORIMETRY: Solved Problems & Practice Session
Day # 7 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Conduction, Convection & Radiation, Blackbody Radiation, Greenhouse Effect
Day # 8 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Newton's Law of Cooling, Solved Problem
Day # 9 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Practice Session: Problems on Calorimetry & Heat transfer, Blackbody
Day # 10 Thermal properties of Matter (पदार्थ के ऊष्मीय गुण) Objective Test - 20 Questions
Day # 11 Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी) Introduction, Thermal equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Heat, Internal Energy and Work.
Day # 12 Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी) Specific heat capacity, Thermodynamic state variables and Equation of state, Thermodynamic Processes (Isobaric, isothermal, isochoric & Adiabatic), cyclic process
Day # 13 Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी) Solved Problems and Practice session
Day # 14 Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी) Heat Engines, Refrigerators and Heat pumps, Solved Problems
Day # 15 Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी) Second Law of thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Carnot Engine & Efficiency
Day # 16 Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी) Solved Problems and Practice session
Day # 17 Thermodynamics (ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी) Objective Test - 20 Questions & PTM
Day # 18 Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत) Introduction, Molecular nature of matter, Behaviour of gases, Ideal Gas equation
Day # 19 Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत) Ideal Gas equation & Solved problems, Kinetic theory of ideal gas
Day # 20 Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत) Degree of freedom, Translational K.E., Rotational K.E., Vibrational Energy (Potential + Kinetic), Law of Equipartition of energy
Day # 21 Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत) Molar heat capacity, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Different kinds of speeds like RMS, MS or Av Speed, Most probable speed
Day # 22 Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत) Mean Free path, Solved Problems
Day # 23 Kinetic Theory of Gases (गैसों का गतिज सिद्धांत) Doubt discussion + 1 Test on Kinetic Theory of Gases & 1 Full test on all three topics
Day # 24 NEET and JEE Main - PTM PTM & Enrollment of another course in the series.
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